Friday, January 30, 2009

Short evisceration: Dance of the Dead (2008)

If you think the title of this entry is dire and unfunny, you haven't seen Dance of the Dead.

When the local gravedigger can't control the nightly zombie attacks anymore, a horde of the undead attacks a high school on prom night, to munch on the guts of more badly acted cliches than should be possible in a single movie. All that stands between the viewer's brains, real bad "alternative" rock, and death by annoyance is her ability to find the eject button for her DVD player.

If there's something worse than unfunny "comedies", it's unfunny "comedies" wasting a basically decent concept (here: Return of the Living Dead on prom night) on jokes that weren't all that funny when I heard them for the first time about fifty years ago.




Lurple said...

I didn't think this was terrible, but it certainly wasn't very good. It was bland enough that I won't bother reviewing it.

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

Rubbed me completely the wrong way, like only the utterly joylessly generic can.