Monday, January 26, 2009

Daily Twitter Terror

  • 03:12 I'd be much more interested in what Jonathan Blow has to say about game design,if I hadn't read the bad prose that's part of "Braid".
  • 03:14 Also, it would help if he knew the difference between "bad" and "not for me".In art, there are no universal rules.
  • 05:01 Wait, what? The free download of Area 51 is sponsored by the US Airforce!? Um, guys, that's a game ft.evil government conspiracies...
  • 05:18 Videogames news sites:"Countdown clock appears on page of game X" is not news,it's you not being journalists.
  • 07:57 You can really do the most fascinating things with LastFM:
  • 16:53 Dylan in the Thin Wild Mercury Music phase!
  • 18:57 There will be a Bollywood Horror Collection Vol. 2 AND 3 this year!
  • 19:09 The SF/F cultural appropriation "discussion" that never ends, does in fact not end.Also, Will Shetterley is a slobbering idiot.
  • 20:32 I'm quite looking forward to the Sherlock Holmes re-imagination by Moffat. But why does it always have to be Moriarty?
  • 21:08 Ira Levin was right!
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