Friday, May 16, 2008

The Science!? 02: Eternal Evil (1985)

Meet Paul Sharpe (Winston Rekert), failed documentarist, now director of commercials, father of one son and still in a not very happy marriage. Also, he's a jerk. The only way he can cope with his oh-so-terrible life is through his nightly exploits in astral dreaming, something he had dabbled in years ago without much success. That changed when he met Jannis (Karen Black), a dancer who now acts as something like his spiritual mentor. Soon though, Paul's dream self starts to kill people he knows in real life in painful ways. As if this wasn't weird enough, his son starts to talk to a strange being he calls "The Blue Man". Will police detective Kaufman (Paul Novak) and Paul find out what is really happening before it's too late?
Eternal Evil aka The Blue Man is a Canadian TV movie, and quite a conundrum. One seldom sees such a strange mixture of the cheesy (hello terrible child actor! Hello French woman! Hello death faces! Hello soundtrack! Hello non-surprising surprises!) and the surprisingly good in the form of obvious, but not often used plot points, some really neat and very atmospheric camera work and really rather good acting. Even, if you can believe it, effective moments of idea-based horror.
Since its cheesiness is more amusing than annoying, Eternal Evil is a nice little surprise.

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