Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Horror!? 76: The Phantom (1931)

Quite deranged killer breaks out of prison before he can be executed and now terrorizes the DA who was responsible for his conviction. It follows the usual romp through not just one but two dark old houses (alright, one is an asylum), some stuff about brain transplants and a plot that can only work if one ignores the existence of photographies.
One of the barely endurable films of its kind. The two young heroes are especially annoying, trumping each other with some hardly bearable moments of wooden acting that nearly drove tears into my eyes.
Of course, if you believe the IMDb, this is one of the fun movies of its kind. Some people probably call anything fun that doesn't outright put them to sleep - and here's way too much screaming and whining of "comic" relief characters to fall asleep.

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