Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Horror!? 55: A Walking Nightmare (1942)

A typical mansion-owning rich guy with an equally typical squabbling family disappears without a trace. A friend hires ex-detective Nick Trayne (who now works as "Brother Trayne - The Sympathetic Ear") to find him. Before Trayne can actually start his investigation, the patriarch reappears. Unfortunately he has lost his mental faculties, since his brain has been (and I quote) "decorticated". Soon it seems as if he has also discovered his tendency for murder.
One of the better Monogram mystery comedies I have seen. The plot may be terminally stupid, but at least half of the jokes are funny and even somewhat effectively delivered. I'm always thankful for comedies this old that don't fall into the ancient slapstick routine of people running and shouting and then running some more ("Look Ma, ain't it funny!?? He's a coward!!!!"). The first half even has something that looks a lot like verve. Of course all verve disappears as soon as the convoluted plot tries to get going, but half a good movie is more than I expected going in.

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