Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Horror!? 33: Voodoo Black Exorcist (1973)

Ah, Voodoo Black Exorcist, who are you trying to fool? To nobody's surprise VBE contains no voodoo black exorcists. In truth it is a kind of remake of the classical The Mummy, only with (supposedly Nigerian) voodoo and without talent or taste. We get a cruise ship and a very sweaty policeman instead.
But at least we are in the world of wonderfully inept filmmaking where camera work is highly original/batshit insane, acting is a subset of sweating and nothing makes any sense at all. As a bonus this dubbed version presents us with a battered and bruised and absurdly framed full frame print plus very inappropriate dubbing. I should probably mention the blackface and the exceedingly red flashbacks too. And the fire-eating/dancing sequences that made me think wistfully about watching Vampyros Lesbos again.

Darling of the day:
"You speak English well."
"Three centuries in museums. I have learned many, many things."

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