Saturday, October 20, 2007

IF Comp: In The Mind Of The Master

Your enjoyment of In the Mind of the Master will depend on two things: Do you like pieces that are more (slightly branching) interactive short stories? Do you enjoy games with a kind of pulp sensibility?
If you, like me, do, you will probably enjoy this quite a bit.
You are playing a master of disguise going by the (humble) moniker of The Master (not to be confused with the Dr.Who villain) and...have to find the rest out for yourself.
The implementation is solid, if not terribly polished; the writing is solid to good. I found most of the triggers in the game to be more or less self-evident, and if one situation should prove to seem unsolvable, there is always the possibility to restart and choose another branch, short as the game is.

Oh, and one thing I found in more than one reaction to the piece I really don't get at all: Why was the typo (or is it?) in a central scene, where the word "me" is used instead of "you" sooo terribly confusing? Only one version does actually make sense, doesn't it?

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