Monday, August 25, 2008

In short: Horoscope 2: The Woman From Hell (2000)

What is worse than a Hong Kong black magic CATIII movie? A film like Horoscope 2 that uses the well-known basic plot of the sub-genre adds a very stupid twist to the ending and tries to be just not sleazy enough to get a CATIII rating.

The trouble with this way of doing things is obvious: most people I know watch this kind of thing for their sleaziness and their bloody-minded outrageousness. If you subtract the outrageousness but add nothing like characterization or suspense or interesting visuals to replace it, you don't have much of a movie.

The only things of note here are a slumming Simon Yam (who doesn't even try to act), a lot of worms, a little puke and two interesting facts: 1.) Powdered dead babies are good for your health (or not) 2.) Don't mess with sports archers


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