Wednesday, October 10, 2007

IF Comp 2007: Packrat

Oh great, another "parodic" game. You are playing the usual kleptomaniac adventurer, trying to save a sleeping princess etc.
It seems no one ever taught the game the difference between a joke and an annoyance. How else to explain how your interaction with the game plays out after you triggered the protagonists kleptomania:

Great Hall: north end
Here the table ends humbly at the High Throne, on which are seated the unconscious monarchs.

You can see a western window, an eastern window and a kitchen boy here.

You vainly attempt to purloin the high throne.
You vainly attempt to purloin the western window.
You vainly attempt to purloin the eastern window.

>x boy
The poor lad must have just opened the great window when he pitched forward onto the stone sill in this cursed slumber. Twenty years of snow and rain have fallen on his shivering body.

You vainly attempt to purloin the high throne.
You vainly attempt to purloin the western window.
You vainly attempt to purloin the eastern window.

>eat boy
(first taking the kitchen boy)
I don't suppose the kitchen boy would care for that.

You vainly attempt to purloin the high throne.
You vainly attempt to purloin the western window.
You vainly attempt to purloin the eastern window.

>x throne
High. Gold. Very. The High Throne backs against the northern wall.

You vainly attempt to purloin the high throne.
You vainly attempt to purloin the western window.
You vainly attempt to purloin the eastern window.

Doing this after every turn stops being funny very, very soon. And, not to put too fine a point on it, does not entice me to play for more than fifteen minutes.
And the writing is not as funny as it thinks it is.

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