Sunday, October 28, 2007


So, what do you get when you mix polar night, teenie horror, a mad geneticist and a pretty darn unfunny vampire comedy? This Swedish mess that repeats every cliché and everything else that is and was stupid about horror movies.
As a bonus we are also served with the kind of laziness most horror comedies since Scream seem to be proud of.
"The way our characters act doesn't need to make sense. It's ironic, you see?" "There's no need to do something interesting, because we are using the clichés ironically."
The plot doesn't need description. If I use the words "cliché", "vampire pills" and "party" the genre-o-matic-screenwriting machine will come up with exactly what is going to happen here.
The only good thing that comes to mind about Frostbiten is that it really hasn't got anything to do with 30 Days of Night (the comic). The bad thing about that? I wouldn't be ranting if it did.
The less said about it the better.

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