Friday, September 7, 2007

The Last Legion

I'm not sure why most critics hate this stupid piece of fun in history as fantasy mode about a few upright legionnaires lead by Colin Firth, Sir Ben Kingsley as Gandalf's little brother Merlin and Aishwarya Rai (as living proof of my theory that training as a dancer is a great base for action acting) defending the rightful (boy-)ruler of the Roman Empire and his sword Excalibur, fighting against evil Dr. Bashir of DS9, evil Goth Kevin (Lucius Vorenus) McKidd and some guy in a mask.
Nope this is no grand historical epic, more the B-version of it, but -as in most things- the B-version is a lot more lively and entertaining than its A-list brethren, if a little bit bathetic. There's no dull minute and some fine action set pieces, though. Also, the film is mercifully short.
Oh, and it makes me want to play Rome:Total War.

Innocent reader beware! I actually like spiritual godfather The 13th Warrior quite a bit.

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