Sunday, September 23, 2007


So this is supposed to be the New Hope Of American Horror?
Well, at least it isn't torture porn or a hopeless try to reach the glory of the Seventies or a dumbed down remake of a superior film (American or Japanese).
But what it is is only a jokey cross of slasher clichés and Eighties gore, without any sense of timing, tension or mood or the slightest bit of originality. Borderline racism, by the book plotting (you know exactly who is going to die at which point of the movie, if you have seen more than one other slasher), and shoddy, unimaginative monster make-up don't help to make this watchable. There is not a single idea to be found, not to speak of new ideas.
I don't get what the part of horror fandom that sings its praises sees here. The slow-mo blood spurting? My, how impressive.

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