Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Three Films Make A Post: It's Alive With Thrills!

Devil's Den (2006): Remember the second half of From Dusk Till Dawn? Well, so did the people responsible for this one, and decided to remake it, only with half the humour and one third of the cleverness of the original, and without Robert Rodriguez' mad enthusiasm or Tarantino's knowledge of where and how to quote and still make a film that's more than a mere series of quotes; my old enemy competence makes an appearance instead. As far as rip-offs of post-modern horror action movies go, though, this is actually is one of the more watchable ones: at least as long as Ken Foree's on screen and the film doesn't try and do characterization.


The Meateater (1979): A US local independent production about a mad, rat-eating, Jean-Harlow-loving cannibal killer creeping through a newly reopened provincial cinema. Awkward acting between "Oh my GAWD, there's a camera" and "I'm so sleepy", bizarre framing and a fat, beef-jerky eating cop named Wombat attack and awaken the highest expectations in the lover of this very particular type of movie. Alas, after an hour or so, the film's misshapen yet adorable creativity disappears, never to return again, leaving me bored and a bit disappointed.


Yo El Ejecutor (1987): Keeping with movies that start out wrong yet strong only to get bogged down in things of no particular interest, this Mexican action movie about a tough guy killing bad guys for the US government by, about and with action trash maestro Valentin Trujillo begins with fantastic twenty minutes of every cheap-skate 80s action film action scene cliché in existence, but soon enough loses every bit of momentum and silly excitement to bad, drawn-out melodrama. There is still a bit of entertainingly stupid violence later on, as well as some hilariously wrong-headed moments of 80s macho man romancing (okay, "romancing"), however, the lost sense of witnessing a perfect encapsulation of what the 80s nearly-no-budget action movie was all about never returns. We'll always have the beginning.


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