Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Horror!? 21: Evil Brain From Outer Space (1956?, 1964?, the internet is divided)

An interesting specimen. Three or four parts of a Japanese serial (TV show? Reports conflict) re-cut and atrociously dubbed for the American market. It seems to be about the invasion of Earth by an alien brain called Balasar and its mutant henchthings. The only thing that stands between mankind and destruction is a certain Star Man (or Space Giant, as the original seems to call him), sent from the Emerald Planet to thwart the brainy plans.
That's as much of the plot as I can comprehend, the rest is completely nonsensical running, flying and fighting in the patented superhero serial style. Some of the monster designs are commendably weird, if dirt cheap.
People like me, who like the Turkish Kilink movies or the American Captain Marvel serials can expect a modicum of fun (and an early directorial outing by Teruo Ishii as one of three listed directors).
Also, I bet this thing is from 1956.

Darling of the Day:
"I bring orders from Balasar's brain."

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