Thursday, August 28, 2008

In short: Zone Troopers (1986)

It's World War II again, 1944 in Italy to be precise. After an inexperienced Lieutenant has gotten himself and most of his men killed, stoic Sgt. Rock Stone (Tim Thomerson) hasn't got much of a squad anymore. What's worse is he and his three surviving men are stranded behind enemy lines. Since all bad things come in threes, the local area is just teeming with German soldiers (some of whom even speak recognizable German).

The bad guys seem to be searching for something. Might it possibly be the crashed UFO the GIs stumble upon? Or the bug-eyed alien crash survivor.

One thing the Sarge knows for sure: If the Germans want it, it's his job to make sure they don't get it.

Someone must have liked his old DC war comics a lot and I am the last one to disagree with someone who lets not-Sergeant-Rock meet aliens. I could of course argue against the "war as boy's adventure club" tenor of the movie, or against the Germans all being demonical caricatures, but that wouldn't be fair to a film that doesn't take itself serious enough to merit this kind of annoyance. It's really much too friendly and just plain entertaining for that. Also, I don't believe in art as moral education.

So, if you always wanted to see Nazis disintegrated by blasters, or Hitler decked by a Polish-American, dig it out. And some digging is in order. For some reason, no one has seen fit to release this early (as in: when some of his films were actually watchable) Charles Band production on DVD, so you'll have to live with bootleg VHS copies.


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