Saturday, August 9, 2008

In short: Gore from Outer Space (2001)

When last we saw our hero (that is, me), he had just taken another step on his continuing road to a brain weirder than the brain that wouldn't die by watching and praising Crazy Lips. Obviously he had to see the sequel.

And let me tell you, Gore may at first look like the more coherent of the two films, but will turn out to be even more looney. There is much less sleaze around this time, and no gore at all, but when confronted with a mixture of alien abductions, aliens, alien Indians, multiple genre changes, missing daughters who may or may not exist, a classic kung fu fight, three musical numbers, rebirth as a spider, time travel, the return of some dead members of the cast of the first film, the return of even more actors from the first film, puking, silly flying model houses, bathroom-less houses, evil mothers, political candidates from outer space (with theme song), a jailbreak, and everything else you never wanted in a film, you are not going to complain about the lack of sex. Well, I won't.


Lurple said...

I missed this review earlier. I skipped seeing this after Crazy Lips mostly failed to impress me, but Crazy Lips without all the rape/sex would have been more fun... I'll have to check this out.

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

Will be interesting to hear what you think.
Oh, there is one rape here, but off-camera and plot-important. Whatever the plot may be.

Lurple said...

I don't object to rape scenes in movies completely, I'm just not a fan of movies that have lots of rape scenes purely for the purpose of amusing the viewer. The kind of crap people like Wong Jing seem to enjoy making.

I'll have a review of Her Vengeance up shortly; I liked it quite a bit. Disturbing rape/revenge flick from the director of the Story of Ricky.

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

I understand, just thought it fair to warn you.
Wong Jing's movies I mostly don't touch anymore - I agree he seems to be having way too much fun with humiliating women in any way possible.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I can even review this movie. It does indeed make Crazy Lips look sort of sane. Once again it's like talentless Miike- but this time he's working with some kind of annoying French director who wants to have a profound plot about nothing.

Unfortunately I found it pretty boring for a good chunk of the movie, although things certainly pick up after a while. And I did love the idiotic English speaking FBI woman. She was one of my favorite parts of Crazy Lips.

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

See, I kind of like annoying French directors.
Too bad there was no "Director's Afterword" to explain the profound message.

Anonymous said...

I like a number of annoying French directors as well, but I don't think I would have liked this imaginary one.

Sometimes it's better to have no commentary to explain a pointless plot. I tend to avoid commentaries on bizarre movies that I really liked these days in case they should explain it in a way I really don't like, which has happened once or twice. ;)

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

Usually I'd agree with you about the commentary. In this special case it kind of bugs me not to know what these guys were thinking, if in fact they were thinking.