Thursday, February 4, 2010

From Twitter 02-03-2010

  • New blog post: From Twitter 02-02-2010: New blog post: From Twitter 02-01-2010: New blog post: From Twitter 01-31-...
  • New blog post: Ritual of Death (1990): His friend, the dubious occultist sleazebag Jim, convinces the boss of a th...
  • Dear Macmillan writers, I understand that you are not pleased about the Macmillan/Amazon disaster, but telling me that $16 is a fair price
  • for an ebook that I can't lend or sell won't make it so.
  • And whining how evil your readers are on your blogs won't help much either.
  • Playing Mass Effect to be ready for US version of the sequel arriving from HK. Probably Stockholm Syndrome, but the Mako kinda grows on me.
  • Just realized that, if they do this, I'm never going to buy a DC comic again. Didn't know I cared that much.
  • I'm usually not the boycotting kind.

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