Friday, November 19, 2010

On WTF: The Swamp of the Ravens (1974)

It is quite possible that the Spanish-Ecuadorian co-production The Swamp of the Ravens contains the best horror movie swamp I've seen in my long and illustrious career of talking about movies nobody gives a crap about. It is in fact a swamp so perfectly swampy that I'd love the film just for showing it.

But in addition, the film's also quite brilliantly insane in ways I wouldn't even dare hope for, making this as perfect of an encapsulation of what I love about movies in the European weirdo horror tradition (even if this one was made in Ecuador) as possible. My review on WTF-Film will tell you everything else.



Anarchivist said...

There is little I love so much as a good movie swamp -- except perhaps an old cemetery filled with white, white fog -- so I rushed to find this. (Oh course, "brilliantly insane" is also a huge selling point). It's not on Netflix, but the Something Weird disc is pretty cheap. Thanks, as always, for telling your readers what they need to know! :)

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

You're welcome. I try to be the one-stop-shop for all swamp-related needs.
Hope you'll enjoy it!