Monday, January 26, 2009

Music Monday 01

I've decided to retool my aborted Music Monday project in the laziest way possible (hello YouTube!).

Obviously, I have to start thusly:


Todd said...

Yay, Music Monday! I'll try not to take that comment about YouTube=lazy personally. ;)

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

Heh. Your right, I just offended ninety percent of the 'net, didn't I? ;)

Todd said...

Though, in this case, what would the less lazy alternative be? Posting the sheet music? %)

I have to admit, though, that, in the context of The Horror!?, that sudden and unexpected infusion of movement and color almost simultaneously blinded me and gave me a heart attack.

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

Doing some writing about the music, for example?

I bet you couldn't help but shout "The horror!?" when all this visual overload struck you. ;)

Todd said...

Oh, yeah. That. Writing about music is hard.