Sunday, December 21, 2008

Meme of the year

Which famous Serial Killer are you?

Ed Gein

You're Ed Gein. Mr. Gein was a man who usually kept to himself and wasn't very social. Unfortunately, he grew up in a household where his mother never allowed him to make friends and usually bad mouthed the female gender, (excluding herself, of course). Because of his depressing childhood, Gein became extremely lonely. Apparently, murdering people and using their appendages as decorations for your house is easier than making friends.

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Unknown said...

hi Ed,

I am Ted Bundy!

CRwM said...

I got Ted Bundy too, which is great because I loved Married with Children and I thi . . . what? . . . oh . . . so that's not Ted Bun . . um, forget I said anything.

houseinrlyeh aka Denis said...

Ghidorah: This could be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

CRwM: Those little lapses happen to the best of us. One time, when I was skinning, yeah.